The diva is not me. The diva I am talking about in this post is the Diva Cup. The DC is in my opinion the best feminine hygiene product ever. EVER! EVER! EVER! EVER! I have been using the cup for about a year now, and I tell you what I could have my period every day of the month and I would not care. The freedom the DC gives is unparalleled. I was brought up to be a pads girl, or if you want to be dignified, "sanitary napkins". Then in college I ventured into tampon land. It was here also that I was introduced to Instead. Instead, although touted by many to be an amazing product, did not work for me. It just would not fit. Then my internet search brought me to the Diva Cup. I read all the posts and decided to give it a go.
One day on my lunch hour I hopped on the train and headed into Hoboken to some health food store and bought my DC. I felt so triumphant walking out of the store. I tried the DC, and had the most brilliant of experiences. It was comfortable, so comfortable, I could not feel it. I decided, as anyone who finds a product that does what it says it will do, to share the good news. It was not well received. Everyone I talked to balked at the idea and concept. They would not be sold and have not since changed their minds, so secretly I gloat when they run out of pads or tampons. tsk tsk tsk. I wish I could get a bullhorn and spread the use of the DC. It has amazing benefits: cost, eco and comfort. I am going to so bold as to tell you when on my period I am able to sleep commando. Just saying, if you like some breeze then you don't have to give it up at all, not even for 5 to 7 days. lol.
Stay Blessed
Friday, September 17, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Black is Beautiful

I was looking on the web for something or the other and I came across a blog from a fellow in Sweden. The blog is described as "This is my way to honor & uplift the Black Woman and the True Beauty of her!" I was quite enthralled by this blog, so much so that I read the entire thing. Don't judge me. I found the blog to be simple yet as complicated as anything could be… race. Here you have this bloke from Sweden who has laid out for the world to see "where his heat lies" in chocolicious beauties the world over, on the other hand you have the haters who troll his site looking to stir up drama. I am perhaps a dummy for not understanding the hateration.
The blog, although sometimes superficial is quite up lifting. Up lifting because people are able to engage each other is some honest dialogue and share some really nice stories. There was a piece of honesty dropped on the site by a viewer, I was stunned when I read it, but then had to deep breathe and find the point of reason.
"sorry to say but i think you are only going through a phase. to have a blk wife and children takes courage. hell, to have a blk gf in america takes courage. no offense, but the average white man isn't giving up his whiteness and its privileges for a blk matter how beautiful the woman is." I kinda mighta havta agree with this. I see white fellas who would smile, wink, or might even engage in a conversation or two, but anything beyond that is a no no. I think the people who engage in interracial relationships in America are brave. This country still is so bound up in prejudice and race-hate that it seems that the odds are terribly stacked against anyone who truly embraces the romantic mixing of races.
It seems with all the potential wreckage from an interracial copulation it might be argued that the couple is just being selfish, and is not looking out for the best interest of their families. But shouldn’t tradition be put aside for the growth of the nation. Every time I see an interracial couple I can’t help but think, “That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.” To all the persons in the struggle, Keep Yuh Head Up.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Living la Vida in Love
Yesterday I went to see Eclipse, the new installment of the Twilight saga. I was intensely engrossed in the show for the reason that I could not place the feeling of love that Bella was giving to Edward. I know it must stem from having not ever been in love myself. I understand lust and need, but love eludes me. I have never felt that intense and strong about anyone ever ever. I love my family yes, but I am talking about romantic love. The kind of love that that makes you want to spend the rest of your life with...human or vampire. While on vaca I checked my msn instant messages and got one from a bloke that we will call "The Colombian" for the time being. I met The Colombian Memorial Weekend 2009 in Central Park. It was really kinda flukey. I was walking. He was walking and he asked me to take a picture of him at the reservoir. I did. Then he wanted one of me and him so we did. And while we were I was going to kiss him on his cheek, he turned suddenly and we ended up kissing on the lips. Well needless to say, we went along with it and made out. Random, I know, but I was trying to be all carpe diem. We communitcated for awhile via IM, but then I lost my net and have not been on IM as much. But I signed on and decided to reconnect with him. I don't know the "what for," but I'm just tired to being a punk. I am a punk. So I am going to give it a go, and see what unfolds. Maybe I'll fall in love with him. Maybe I won't, but I am going to follow this path and see where it goes.
Summering in Springfield
I went on vacation. My vacation was supposed to start on Friday 6pm however Monday morning met me at the office which I did not leave until Monday @ 7pm. I might have a slight workaholic problem. After working on my vacation day I decided that Tuesday would be a day of sloth. I did laundry, went to the hardware store, went to the Indian movie store, and I made arrangements with my sister to come and get me on their way back to Springfield from DC, where they went for Carnival. I packed and watched some Indian movies.
On Wednesday,I went to Springfield via the scenic route, Hutchinson to Merritt. I was so proud of myself because I did not pack any crafting material, but I did bring my drill & bits, a hammer and some nails, and my copper wire. I intended to make an antennae while I was up there. When we got to Springfield I was feeling antsy. I wanted to get out there and see the world. No body was feeling me. Ha ha I forgot, while everybody was chillaxing I made some sugar scrubs. All the while being ridiculed for my lack of ability to relax, but to me that was relaxing. Doing nothing at home is not relaxing. I fact it does the opposite to me. I feel tense.
After they all rested, we went to play tennis. I forgot how much I really love that game and bashing balls against something. I used to play racquet ball at university. Now I just have to find me a racquet club or a tennis partner. I am awesome. (in my own mind)
I can't remember what we did on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and I don't think that is a good thing. I reconnected with my friend, JWB. I went to 5 Mile Lake which is hell beautiful and right off Boston Road. I would have really gotten into the scenery more and the whole ambiance of it all if some loud people weren't around. Nature should be enjoyed in absolute silence. Of course my family was poking me all the time about my need to go into nature, but that is my nature. I love to be in the wilderness. I could spend days out there just sitting in the loveliness of it all. I wanted to channel my inner John Muir.
I left Springfield on Sunday, it was the best return from MA ever. No traffic and I had the seat all to myself.
All in all a restful vacation. However, it was only this morning @ 7am my body felt it was time to tuck down for some major sleep and sloth too bad it was a work day. Laters.
On Wednesday,I went to Springfield via the scenic route, Hutchinson to Merritt. I was so proud of myself because I did not pack any crafting material, but I did bring my drill & bits, a hammer and some nails, and my copper wire. I intended to make an antennae while I was up there. When we got to Springfield I was feeling antsy. I wanted to get out there and see the world. No body was feeling me. Ha ha I forgot, while everybody was chillaxing I made some sugar scrubs. All the while being ridiculed for my lack of ability to relax, but to me that was relaxing. Doing nothing at home is not relaxing. I fact it does the opposite to me. I feel tense.
After they all rested, we went to play tennis. I forgot how much I really love that game and bashing balls against something. I used to play racquet ball at university. Now I just have to find me a racquet club or a tennis partner. I am awesome. (in my own mind)
I can't remember what we did on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and I don't think that is a good thing. I reconnected with my friend, JWB. I went to 5 Mile Lake which is hell beautiful and right off Boston Road. I would have really gotten into the scenery more and the whole ambiance of it all if some loud people weren't around. Nature should be enjoyed in absolute silence. Of course my family was poking me all the time about my need to go into nature, but that is my nature. I love to be in the wilderness. I could spend days out there just sitting in the loveliness of it all. I wanted to channel my inner John Muir.
I left Springfield on Sunday, it was the best return from MA ever. No traffic and I had the seat all to myself.
All in all a restful vacation. However, it was only this morning @ 7am my body felt it was time to tuck down for some major sleep and sloth too bad it was a work day. Laters.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
I am on vacation. Well for the most part I am. My vacation started on Friday @ 6pm however I did not vacate the premises until Monday @ 7:40 pm. There is always stuff to do. Always some crisis or issue to deal with. Always some last document or email to be sent. My sisters came through and got me from NJ and we are now in MA with two of my cousins from Trinidad. Last year for the same vacation I went to New Orleans to be with my sisters and brother who is stationed there and it was the worst. Aside from being sick. My sisters seemed to be on another tip altogether. At the end of that time I really was prepared to cut them off and there was even more fallout over a shot they pulled on my after the trip and solidified my departure from them. It is only recently I've been making strides to reconnect with them and things have been going well, but as in such matters I keep a reservation. I am going to be as jovial as possible, but I wonder if I made a mistake coming. This time I mad money though, if it hits the fan I'm out. "deep sigh"
Keep ya head up
I am on vacation. Well for the most part I am. My vacation started on Friday @ 6pm however I did not vacate the premises until Monday @ 7:40 pm. There is always stuff to do. Always some crisis or issue to deal with. Always some last document or email to be sent. My sisters came through and got me from NJ and we are now in MA with two of my cousins from Trinidad. Last year for the same vacation I went to New Orleans to be with my sisters and brother who is stationed there and it was the worst. Aside from being sick. My sisters seemed to be on another tip altogether. At the end of that time I really was prepared to cut them off and there was even more fallout over a shot they pulled on my after the trip and solidified my departure from them. It is only recently I've been making strides to reconnect with them and things have been going well, but as in such matters I keep a reservation. I am going to be as jovial as possible, but I wonder if I made a mistake coming. This time I mad money though, if it hits the fan I'm out. "deep sigh"
Keep ya head up
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hunting the Hidden Dimension
I love being, feeling a part of nature. I like when I come to some understanding or comprehension of it all, no necessarily my place in it all, but just that we are all linked, and we are all linked to it. As a Enviromentalist, I am always trying to get people to see and feel their connection to the world...universe. Well, a few weeks ago I was watching one of my favourite channels, PBS, when a programme about Fractals came on. The programme was called Hunting the Hidden Dimension. It was the first time I have ever heard of fractals, (sidebar: I apologize to my professors if they tried to teach me this before). I like adding and whatnot, but I have never been a Math head, but watching this documentary was got my head spinning and my imagination running.
Sometime during the programme there was a mention of a fractal antennae. Hmmm, fractal antennae you say (brainstorming chin rubbing). Me being the creative puppy that I am decide to make myself an fractal antennae. I googled, "DIY fractal antennae" and booyah the list of websites with instructions came up. Youtube had some video, but I thought they were lame. But diamond of instructions came from I printed out my list of supplies and trotted off across the street to Home Depot, but much to my WTF they did not have my supplies. But since I have to make a trip to Clifton anyway to the craft shop I figure I'd stop by Radio Shack. RS hooked me the freak up. I spent Saturday evening working on my fractal HD antennae, stripping wire, bending wire, drilling holes. screwing things down and together, and in the end the freaking thing WORKED. It W-O-R-K-E-D!! I was so excited and thrilled. I could not believe my luck. I made my very own working HD antenna, and it cost me less than $20. I will post post pics soon.
Later Gator
Sometime during the programme there was a mention of a fractal antennae. Hmmm, fractal antennae you say (brainstorming chin rubbing). Me being the creative puppy that I am decide to make myself an fractal antennae. I googled, "DIY fractal antennae" and booyah the list of websites with instructions came up. Youtube had some video, but I thought they were lame. But diamond of instructions came from I printed out my list of supplies and trotted off across the street to Home Depot, but much to my WTF they did not have my supplies. But since I have to make a trip to Clifton anyway to the craft shop I figure I'd stop by Radio Shack. RS hooked me the freak up. I spent Saturday evening working on my fractal HD antennae, stripping wire, bending wire, drilling holes. screwing things down and together, and in the end the freaking thing WORKED. It W-O-R-K-E-D!! I was so excited and thrilled. I could not believe my luck. I made my very own working HD antenna, and it cost me less than $20. I will post post pics soon.
Later Gator
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thank You Ugly Betty
Ok so I guess I am late, very very late. I finally watched the final episodes of the Ugly Betty. Perhaps because I am that place in my life, but I watched those episodes with such intense reverence. The episodes were all about transformation, reinventing yourself, and pursuing your dreams. Suffice it to say, I felt like she was talking to me. Then I was watching television last night, and saw something in "vocation vacations". That seemed quited interesting, but it got me thinking, "What the freak am I doing?" "Am I on the right path?" "Am I on my path?" After the hyperventilating I feel better. Pourquoi?? I feel great, ok well not so much great, but settled. I have always known that my path was not going to be cookie cutter or ready made. My life is all about God's will, even when I am out of it. I am certain that God has a plan for me. Amazing things have been prophesied about my life and future, however there is always that nagging uncertainty that I feel haunting my every thought. I know that that space is the no trust zone I have with God. I have not completely free fallen into His arms, but I'm working on it.
Later Gator
Later Gator
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