Monday, July 12, 2010

Black is Beautiful

I was looking on the web for something or the other and I came across a blog from a fellow in Sweden. The blog is described as "This is my way to honor & uplift the Black Woman and the True Beauty of her!" I was quite enthralled by this blog, so much so that I read the entire thing. Don't judge me. I found the blog to be simple yet as complicated as anything could be… race. Here you have this bloke from Sweden who has laid out for the world to see "where his heat lies" in chocolicious beauties the world over, on the other hand you have the haters who troll his site looking to stir up drama. I am perhaps a dummy for not understanding the hateration.

The blog, although sometimes superficial is quite up lifting. Up lifting because people are able to engage each other is some honest dialogue and share some really nice stories. There was a piece of honesty dropped on the site by a viewer, I was stunned when I read it, but then had to deep breathe and find the point of reason.
"sorry to say but i think you are only going through a phase. to have a blk wife and children takes courage. hell, to have a blk gf in america takes courage. no offense, but the average white man isn't giving up his whiteness and its privileges for a blk matter how beautiful the woman is." I kinda mighta havta agree with this. I see white fellas who would smile, wink, or might even engage in a conversation or two, but anything beyond that is a no no. I think the people who engage in interracial relationships in America are brave. This country still is so bound up in prejudice and race-hate that it seems that the odds are terribly stacked against anyone who truly embraces the romantic mixing of races.

It seems with all the potential wreckage from an interracial copulation it might be argued that the couple is just being selfish, and is not looking out for the best interest of their families. But shouldn’t tradition be put aside for the growth of the nation. Every time I see an interracial couple I can’t help but think, “That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.” To all the persons in the struggle, Keep Yuh Head Up.

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