Friday, June 18, 2010

Hunting the Hidden Dimension

I love being, feeling a part of nature. I like when I come to some understanding or comprehension of it all, no necessarily my place in it all, but just that we are all linked, and we are all linked to it. As a Enviromentalist, I am always trying to get people to see and feel their connection to the world...universe. Well, a few weeks ago I was watching one of my favourite channels, PBS, when a programme about Fractals came on. The programme was called Hunting the Hidden Dimension. It was the first time I have ever heard of fractals, (sidebar: I apologize to my professors if they tried to teach me this before). I like adding and whatnot, but I have never been a Math head, but watching this documentary was got my head spinning and my imagination running.
Sometime during the programme there was a mention of a fractal antennae. Hmmm, fractal antennae you say (brainstorming chin rubbing). Me being the creative puppy that I am decide to make myself an fractal antennae. I googled, "DIY fractal antennae" and booyah the list of websites with instructions came up. Youtube had some video, but I thought they were lame. But diamond of instructions came from I printed out my list of supplies and trotted off across the street to Home Depot, but much to my WTF they did not have my supplies. But since I have to make a trip to Clifton anyway to the craft shop I figure I'd stop by Radio Shack. RS hooked me the freak up. I spent Saturday evening working on my fractal HD antennae, stripping wire, bending wire, drilling holes. screwing things down and together, and in the end the freaking thing WORKED. It W-O-R-K-E-D!! I was so excited and thrilled. I could not believe my luck. I made my very own working HD antenna, and it cost me less than $20. I will post post pics soon.
Later Gator

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