Friday, September 17, 2010

All Hail the Diva

The diva is not me. The diva I am talking about in this post is the Diva Cup. The DC is in my opinion the best feminine hygiene product ever. EVER! EVER! EVER! EVER! I have been using the cup for about a year now, and I tell you what I could have my period every day of the month and I would not care. The freedom the DC gives is unparalleled. I was brought up to be a pads girl, or if you want to be dignified, "sanitary napkins". Then in college I ventured into tampon land. It was here also that I was introduced to Instead. Instead, although touted by many to be an amazing product, did not work for me. It just would not fit. Then my internet search brought me to the Diva Cup. I read all the posts and decided to give it a go.

One day on my lunch hour I hopped on the train and headed into Hoboken to some health food store and bought my DC. I felt so triumphant walking out of the store. I tried the DC, and had the most brilliant of experiences. It was comfortable, so comfortable, I could not feel it. I decided, as anyone who finds a product that does what it says it will do, to share the good news. It was not well received. Everyone I talked to balked at the idea and concept. They would not be sold and have not since changed their minds, so secretly I gloat when they run out of pads or tampons. tsk tsk tsk. I wish I could get a bullhorn and spread the use of the DC. It has amazing benefits: cost, eco and comfort. I am going to so bold as to tell you when on my period I am able to sleep commando. Just saying, if you like some breeze then you don't have to give it up at all, not even for 5 to 7 days. lol.
Stay Blessed